Theory of Inhomogeneous Condensed Matter
Note: This department has relocated.
"Revolutionizing" the way robots move in complex environment

"Revolutionizing" the way robots move in complex environment

The Movement Generation and Control Group is an important partner of the new European Project Memmo

The EU funded Memmo project aims to revolutionize the way robots with arms and legs move by developing novel real-time methods for motion generation of complex robot, able to cope with the complexity of humanoid and other legged robots in realistic industrial and medical environments. The 4-year-project, led by the LAAS-CNRS in France, involves 10 different partners across Europe including the Movement Generation and Control Group at MPI-IS.


mg Ludovic Righetti
Ludovic Righetti
Visiting Researcher
mg Andrea Del Prete
Andrea Del Prete
Research Scientist
mg Ahmad  Gazar
Ahmad Gazar